St. Benedict’s CBSE Primary School
Warm Welcome
St. Benedict’s CBSE Primary School , is affiliated to Bangalore University and is managed by Asirvanam Benedictine Fathers, Bangalore. It is a beautiful campus, gifted by natural greenery and beauty.
St. Benedict’s Academy is growing by launching UG and PG courses. The Benedictine campus provides a serene and ideal ambiance for the teaching-learning process. The Academy strives to fulfill its mission to provide educational opportunities to all aspiring youth to excel in life by developing academic excellence, fostering values, creating civic responsibility and building global competencies in a dynamic environment.

From the Principal’s Desk

I heartily invite parents to our institution to experience a child centric and a new way of learning which would directly help the children to be independent learners. In SBA we strongly believe in the right way of education and encourage all parents to keep a continuous connection with both me and the teachers to ensure a safe, creative, intellectual, skilful and an engrossing learning curve for each child.
A contemporary, friendly, and stable foundation must work like good soil to foster an attitude of scientific enquiry with ethical sensibility. We value the qualities of honesty, truthfulness, generosity, and respect for others.
At St. Benedict’s primary School, we see the school, as a learning center, family and home, as a place where children live every moment and develop the capacity to understand, analyze and apply with sensitivity in their daily life, also learn to face with courage and confidence any situation. It is a space for adults and children to work together in a learning program which is about life itself, where they become discoverers and explorers of both the inner and outer worlds.
Meena Kant
Transform through Learning
Creative Thinking & Innovation
Keeping in touch with technology, SBA provides a promotive learning experience, for the tech brains of the forthcoming generation.

Science In The New Era
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27th November 2020
Science In The New Era
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit.
27th November 2020